This Level Was Created to CRUSH MY SOUL. [SUPER MARIO MAKER 2]
The Moment My Soul Left My Body // ENDLESS SUPER EXPERT [#84] [SUPER MARIO MAKER 2]
My Father Sold My Soul for One Million Gold?! Walkthrough
Dangers of Kissing | Eternal Darkness - At the Heart of My Soul: Part 03
Becoming a One-Hit Wonder | Eternal Darkness at the Heart of my Soul: 11
My Soul Disintegrated Because of This Level. It's That Bad... // SE NO SKIP [#99] [SMM]
I'm Feeling These Levels DEEP IN MY SOUL. [SWUNSH WORLD 2] [#03]
Questionable Management | Eternal Darkness at the Heart of my Soul: 12
Can Dogs Recognize Polygons? | Eternal Darkness - At the Heart of My Soul: Part 06
Eternal Darkness in 2022? | Eternal Darkness - At the Heart of My Soul: Part 01
''Center Of My Soul'' - Trailer Bros (Epic Powerful Majestic Hopeful Trailer Music)
Celestial Kaiju Fight? | Eternal Darkness at the Heart of my Soul Part 15

W Mojej Duszy będziesz musiał wybrać jednego z czterech bohaterów, którzy wyruszyli, by ocalić świat. Walcz z potworami i zdobądź zasoby, aby podnieść poziom swojego bohatera. Dołącz do tysięcy wydarzeń PvE i PvP i stwórz sojusze z innymi graczami, aby pokonać swoich wrogów.